September 13, 2013

Why I do this

One of my acquaintances asked me why I would air my dirty laundry on the Internet for all to see. You know I had to think about it for a while and I have this answer:

I'm not perfect (someone once called me terrible) and I know it, and that's okay. I'm sure everyone that reads my blog feels the same; you can't be a perfect parent because they don't exist. I want other parents with or without a disability to read my words and think to themselves "I've been there." I want you to take comfort in the resemblances in my shortcomings and laugh at goofy things I encounter. I want a place where I can vent and share my bitchy attitude. 
I don't have a lot of friends and the mom ones I do have don't usually agree with my parenting style. I want to be able to smile while I share the good moments and cry when I share the bad ones. I want you to know that you aren't alone; we can all be "terrible" parents together.

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