is the story of a young me and my new baby girl. It starts in 2007, October
26th to be exact. After a quick c section I had my baby in my arms. I held her
and I vowed to care for her in the best way I could. I vowed to always do what
was best for her, even if it was hard for me. I had read all the books but I
brushed most of it off as nonsense and made a decision to do what worked best for my little family.
let your baby cry during the night?" Please. Like I want to be one of those
people who sleeps with their toddler because I've coddled her since birth and
she can't sleep on her own.
the worst trauma you can subject your child to?" Really this one was a
written statement with a hippie behind the pen. We're talking about a
quick open handed smack on a padded behind. I have spanked Bells on
occasions because I refuse to have a disrespectful brat grow into a
disrespectful teenager and then a useless adult.
use tv as a babysitter, it can stunt their development!" Ha! Clearly
the writer of this one doesn't have any kids. TV was and always will be a
babysitter in my house. Not the go to a movie be home later kind of
sitter, the one who will entertain my little girl while I prepare dinner
on my own, or the one who will keep her occupied while I sit and suffer
the anguish of an RA flare.
I've ignored these simple rules and many many more throughout Isabella's
6 years I now have a little girl who hates and resents me... wait no
that's not
right, my daughter respects and listens to me and is polite and mindful
others. Maybe I did it wrong?
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