September 11, 2013

Fresh Fresh Fresh

Okay I get it; we could all be a little more active. I get that we should throw some spinach in the pasta sauce. I don't need the school planner that my kid reads everyday to spout all that to her. I'm really not exaggerating; every single page is either about eating habits or exercise.

This makes me furious!

The 6 year old is not the one making family decisions. She's not the one who determines how I'm feeling and what I may or may not be capable of, and she certainly isn't the one who does the grocery shopping or the cooking. The planner is telling her that she should make a walking commitment, and eat more fresh foods. All I could think was screw you planner! Stop brainwashing my child into thinking that her soccer and 4 dance classes are not enough exercise in a week, or that we're feeding her poison with our packaged noodles. The world isn't rainbows and butterflies, nor is it a "processed food free" kind of place. If I want to feed my kid a box of KD for dinner I'm damn well going to, so screw you planner for condemning me for it.

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