December 01, 2012


For the last year and a half Bones has been Isabella’s favorite show. Yes... Bones; find a dead, usually decayed body at the beginning and solve the murder by the end of the show. Do I have a problem with her watching things like that? No. There is only one show that we won’t let her watch, and that's The Walking Dead. Nearly everything else (other than nudity) is fair game. We communicate, showing her behinds the scenes clips and explaining how they make dead bodies out of jello and plastic skeletons like in the doctor’s office, or putting food coloring in syrup to make blood. She’s never had nightmares over anything she sees and we make a point of explaining new things to her right away, like gun safety or language being unacceptable for a kid to use. She never repeats swear words and never gets upset about what she sees on TV. While we don’t put on HBO and let her have at it, she will come and sit with me when my shows are on. Communication is the key in a marriage and I feel it is just as important in parenting. Well there's that, and I don't always want to wait until it's late to watch my shows.


1 comment:

  1. My kids love watching csi with me. only once did the bad guy give us nightmares
