November 10, 2012

Parents who don't parent

Am I the only one who gets annoyed by other people's children? Surely I can't be. There's just something so incredibly annoying about kids who don't listen, or maybe it's the parents who don't parent. With Isabella in school, soccer, and dance we are always around kids, some are great, respectful, nice, well behaved and then it seems like there are even more of the opposite. These kids are rude, selfish, disrespectful little brats. These kids don't listen to the teacher, dance instructor, or coach over and over and the parents don't do a damn thing. Can you not see that your kid is completely disrupting the class/practice? To me this is unacceptable, and in my eyes you are failing as a parent. While I'm a firm believer in spanking, these kids clearly have no form of discipline. There are no boundaries, and no consequences for their actions. I may not be perfect but I must be doing something right if I have been told how great my kid is by her teacher, her coach, and her dance instructor. Apparently she is the best listener, she is respectful, she never does anything that she's not supposed to, and she's always happy. 

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